Full Stack Development Training in Rohru

Full Stack Development training in Rohru. Our courses guarantee 100% job assurance, including facilitating five interviews with esteemed companies.

Full Stack Development Training in Rohru : Gashwa Technologies

At Gashwa Technologies, the Full Stack Development Training in Rohru delivers an immersive and comprehensive educational journey, meticulously crafted to equip students with the requisite skills for contemporary web development. The curriculum initiates with a robust emphasis on foundational languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, furnishing students with the essential elements for crafting captivating user interfaces. As students progress, they delve deeper into front-end frameworks like React.js or Angular, honing their expertise in building dynamic and responsive web applications.

The training further delves into back-end development, where students familiarize themselves with server-side programming languages such as Node.js or Python, alongside frameworks like Express.js or Django. Database management constitutes a pivotal aspect of the curriculum, with students mastering technologies like MySQL, MongoDB, or PostgreSQL to adeptly design and manipulate databases. Throughout the program, practical projects provide students with opportunities to apply their knowledge to real-world scenarios, nurturing problem-solving skills and consolidating concepts learned in the classroom.

Moreover, Full Stack Development Training at Gashwa Technologies underscores industry best practices, encompassing version control with Git, RESTful API development, authentication mechanisms, and deployment strategies. Students also receive comprehensive instruction on security protocols to uphold the integrity and confidentiality of their applications. By the culmination of the program, graduates emerge as adept full-stack developers, poised to make significant contributions across a diverse spectrum of web development projects with assurance and proficiency.

Average Salary Package: ₹3,25,000 P.A To ₹6,75,000 P.A

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Full Stack Development Course Syllabus

Are you looking to become a master of Full Stack Development? Our comprehensive course covers all the essentials, from HTML and CSS basics to advanced JavaScript and backend development concepts.

  • Understanding the basics of HTML
  • Creating and formatting text, images, and links
  • Organizing content with lists and tables
  • Creating forms for user input
  • Understanding semantic HTML
  • Understanding the basics of CSS
  • Styling HTML elements with CSS
  • Working with selectors and properties
  • Using the box model to control layout
  • Understanding CSS frameworks
  • Understanding the concept of responsive web design
  • Designing for different screen sizes and resolutions
  • Using media queries to apply styles
  • Implementing responsive images and videos
  • Understanding mobile-first design
  • Understanding the basics of JavaScript
  • Working with variables, operators, and functions
  • Manipulating the DOM with JavaScript
  • Handling events and user input
  • Understanding JavaScript libraries and frameworks
  • Props and state
  • Conditional rendering
  • Handling forms and input
  • Lists and keys
  • Composition and inheritance
  • Understanding the principles of design
  • Applying design principles to web design
  • Understanding typography and font selection
  • Working with color schemes
  • Creating visual hierarchy with layout and composition
  • Understanding the basics of user experience design
  • Designing for user needs and behaviors
  • Creating user personas and scenarios
  • Conducting user research and testing.
  • Understanding accessibility and usability
  • Understanding the tools and technologies used in web design
  • Using web design software such as Adobe Photoshop and Sketch
  • Working with version control systems such as Git
  • Understanding web hosting and domain names.
  • Implementing content management systems such as WordPress.
  • Understanding the basics of web animation.
  • Creating animations with CSS and JavaScript
  • Working with animation libraries and frameworks.
  • Understanding the principles of motion design.
  • Blog or CMS
  • E-commerce website
  • Educational Websites
  • What is React?
  • Setting up a development environment
  • React components and JSX
  • Creating and rendering components
  • Handling events in React
  • React Router
  • Redux for state management
  • React hooks
  • React context API
  • Server-side rendering with React
  • What is Node.js?
  • Setting up a development environment
  • Node.js modules
  • Creating a basic Node.js application
  • Debugging Node.js applications
  • Handling events and callbacks
  • Reading and writing files
  • Working with streams
  • Creating web servers with Node.js
  • Using Express.js for web development
  • Working with databases in Node.js
  • Asynchronous programming with Promises and Async/Await
  • Real-time communication with WebSockets
  • Using Node.js for desktop applications
  • Deploying Node.js applications to production servers
  • What is Express.js?
  • Setting up a development environment
  • Express.js routing
  • Creating a basic Express.js application
  • Debugging Express.js applications
  • Handling HTTP requests and responses
  • Working with middleware
  • Templating with Pug or Handlebars
  • Creating RESTful APIs with Express.js
  • Authentication and authorization in Express.
  • Working with databases in Express.js
  • Error handling and logging
  • Caching and performance optimization
  • Real-time communication with WebSockets
  • Deploying Express.js applications to production servers

Skill you will gain with the Full Stack Development training program !

Get hired in four easy steps
Enroll in a Program
Complete courses with mentoring
Get placement support - Build resume and attend mock interviews
Get hired with Excellence Technology partners

Group Discount Offers !

We would be delighted to offer you a group discount if there are three or more people in your training session.

Full Stack Development Course Fee

Web Designing


Web Development


CMS Development


Graphic Design


Digital Marketing


Python & Ai


What Our Students Say

We Have Trained Over 1500+ Students (Offline & Online) In Past 10 Years & Help Them Get Their 1st Job In IT Companies At Good Salary Packages !

Students from these universities and Colleges are pursuing Full Stack Development Training in Himachal Pradesh at Gashwa Technologies
Frequently Asked Question

There are no strict prerequisites, however, a basic understanding of programming concepts and familiarity with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is often recommended.

Yes, Full Stack Development can be pursued as a career even with a non-technical background. However, having a strong understanding of programming concepts and relevant technologies is essential.

The course covers a range of technologies including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, React, and more. The specific technologies covered may vary based on the course curriculum.

Yes, we will provide a certificate upon successful completion of the Full Stack Development course. This certificate can be valuable when applying for jobs in the field.

The course usually includes hands-on projects that simulate real-world scenarios, allowing you to apply the concepts learned during the course to practical situations.

Yes, we offer job placement assistance to help students find job opportunities in the field of Full Stack Development. This may include resume building, interview preparation, and connecting students with potential employers.

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